Coordination group for digitalisation leads cooperation with stakeholders to create a digital compass for Finland

Ministry of Economic Affairs and EmploymentMinistry of FinanceMinistry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 29.11.2021 8.52 | Published in English on 29.11.2021 at 16.54
Type:Press release
Suomelle kansallinen strateginen digikompassi ensimmäisenä EU:ssa.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment organised a kick-off for Finland’s digital compass on Friday 26 November 2021. The objective is to formulate a shared national vision and targets for digital transformation and the data economy for 2030.

In its first meeting on 27 October 2021, the Ministerial Working Group on Developing the Digital Transformation, the Data Economy and Public Administration made a decision to create a digital compass for Finland during spring 2022.

“The European Commission has proposed objectives which will serve as a basis for our compass, but we will raise the level of ambition to reflect our national perspectives, and we will set our own national objectives as necessary. We are, in many respects, one of the European leaders in digitalisation, and our compass could point the direction for other countries,” says Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka.

This Digital Compass revolves around four cardinal points: skills, secure and sustainable digital infrastructures, the digital transformation of businesses, and the digitalisation of public services. The purpose of Finland’s digital compass is to set national targets and indicators for these areas, and to create a coherent vision for the digital transformation.

The event held on Friday was a kick-off for cooperation with various interest groups to create the digital compass.

“The Government wants to make the central government better equipped to support the digital transformation of society. Digital transformation is a national project involving all sectors and requiring extensive cooperation. Joint efforts will pay off, as everyone stands to gain. In central government, digital transformation is showing good progress, but we need everyone’s input to maintain the momentum,” says Minister of Local Government Sirpa Paatero.

At the kick-off event, participants discussed the guidelines for a digital compass, national targets and indicators, and the need to create a coherent vision for the digital transformation. Representatives of stakeholder groups commented on various aspects of the digital compass, such as trust in digital services and the need for new skills and competences.

A coordination group for digitalisation established in October was also introduced at the kick-off. The coordination group for digitalisation is a permanent interministerial working group tasked with strengthening interministerial cooperation, coordination and flow of information. It is also responsible for the creation of a digital compass for Finland. As an integral part of its work, the group engages in continuous and results-driven dialogue with interest groups and international partners.

What's next?

Work on the formulation of the digital compass will continue in cooperation with stakeholders. Workshops and consultations will be organised in January and February 2022. Preparatory work is scheduled to be completed in March 2022.

The coordination group for digitalisation can be contacted at [email protected].


Laura Eiro, Director General, Ministry of Transport and Communications, tel. +358 400 969 293
​​​​​​​Mika Nordman, Director of Digital Services, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 047 142
​​​​​​​Jarkko Levasma, Government Chief Information Officer, Ministry of Finance, tel. +358 295 530 117