Comments invited on the Roadmap for fossil-free transport – three phases towards climate friendly mobility

The Roadmap for fossil-free transport aims to halve transport emissions by 2030. The measures of the three-phased roadmap are particularly relevant for road transport, which accounts for the majority of transport emissions. The Ministry of Transport and Communications invites comments on the roadmap, i.e. the Resolution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from domestic transport, by 19 February 2021.
The Government's objective is to at least halve the greenhouse gas emissions of domestic transport by 2030 from the level in 2005. By 2045, transport must be changed to zero-emission transport. Carbon dioxide emissions from road transport in 2005 were about 12.5 million tonnes, which means that in 2030, the emissions should total about 6.25 million tonnes. According to the basic forecast of greenhouse gas emissions from transport, carbon dioxide emissions from road transport have decreased by 1.5 million tonnes. It is estimated that the measures already decided will bring about a decrease of an additional 3.1 million tonnes by 2030. A further reduction of about 1.65 million tonnes of carbon dioxide is sought for road transport so that emissions would be halved from the level in 2005.
"Transport plays a major role in achieving national emission reduction targets. We are moving forward by supporting and encouraging businesses and citizens to adopt increasingly sustainable modes of transport. In autumn, the Government will assess whether there is a need for additional measures in order to halve transport emissions," says Minister of Transport and Communications Timo Harakka.
Transport causes one-fifth of Finland's emissions. Road transport accounts for about 94 percent of emissions from domestic transport. The roadmap has been prepared on the basis of the recommendations of the Working group on fossil-free transport, and the impact assessments of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Aalto University, and the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency Traficom.
The first phase - supports and incentives
The draft roadmap consists of three phases. First, 19 measures having impacts about which there is enough data and which promote a fair transition to fossil-free transport would be implemented. The first phase would promote the replacement of fossil fuels, the renewal of the vehicle stock and the energy efficiency of the transport system through various supports and incentives. Decisions on supports and incentives would be made in early 2021. These measures would reduce carbon dioxide emissions by an estimated 0.6 megatonnes.
The means applied in the first phase would be:
Replacement of fossil fuels
1) Inclusion of biogas and electrofuels in the distribution obligation and raising the distribution obligation of biofuels to 34 per cent
2) Distribution infrastructure support for public charging and refuelling stations
3) Charging infrastructure support for housing companies and workplaces
4) Service station charging points
5) Joint use of charging services and roaming
6) Electric road pilots
Renewal of the car fleet
7) Updating the manufacturer-specific binding CO2-limit
8) Purchase support for electric cars
9) Purchase support for vans
10) Purchase support for heavy-duty vehicles
11) Scrapping premium campaigns
12) Conversion subsidies for ethanol and gas cars
13) Procurement of clean vehicles in the public sector
14) Research on clean vehicles
Improving the efficiency of the transport system
15) Investment programme on walking and cycling
16) Support for public transport
17) Support for mobility management
18) Promotion of combined transport
19) Heavy vehicles in road transport
The second phase - teleworking, new transport services and raising the distribution obligation
In the second phase, there would be a need for assessments of additional data on how various means affect emissions before a decision can be made. Such means include teleworking and new transport services that can be introduced by households or businesses and have a significant potential to reduce emissions. Impact assessments would be carried out in spring and summer 2021 and, at the latest, would be completed by autumn 2021. In addition, it would be determined whether the distribution obligation for biofuels decided in the first phase could be increased further from 34 per cent and whether the availability of sustainably produced raw materials is sufficient.
The third phase - a decision on other measures, if necessary
The last phase is conditional. In autumn 2021, the Government will assess whether the decisions made at EU level and the means of the first and second phases of the roadmap are sufficient to halve the greenhouse gas emissions of Finland's transport by 2030. If it seems that the target will not be achieved, the Government would take decisions on other necessary measures. To this end, the Government would continue the preparation of various measures such as national emissions trading for fossil fuels and a transport tax model based on vehicle kilometres and road categories. The decision-making would take into account the cost-effectiveness of emission reductions, the impact on competitiveness, and regional and social justice.
Next steps
The round for comments will continue until 19 February 2021. The invitation to comment has been published at Comments can be submitted online by all organisations and citizens or sent by email to [email protected]. The intention is to make the Government Resolution on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from domestic transport in spring.
To implement the Resolution, the Government would appoint up a steering group consisting of the state secretaries of the Minister of Transport and Communications, the Minister of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Minister of Finance and the Minister of the Environment.
Requests to interview Minister Timo Harakka: Susanna Niinivaara, Director of Communication, tel. +358 400 816 187, susanna.niinivaara(at)
Sabina Lindström, Director General, tel. +358 40 527 6103, sabina.lindstrom(at), Twitter @LindstromSabina
Deputy Director General Päivi Antikainen, tel. +358 50 382 7101, paivi.antikainen(at), Twitter @PaiviAntikainen
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: Roadmap for fossil-free transport (LVM050:00/2019) (in Finnish)
Press release 27 October 2020: Transport emissions halved by 2030 —requires an extensive range of options
Press release 9 October 2020: New information on the effectiveness of measures to reduce emissions from transport
Press release 24 April 2020: Emissions from road transport declining in the 2020s — new measures still needed
Press release 4 November 2019: Working group to prepare a roadmap for fossil-free transport