Digital Panel appointed to identify opportunities and challenges of technological development

The Ministry of Transport and Communications has appointed a high-level interministerial working group, called the Digital Panel, to identify opportunities provided by the digital transformation, the data economy and new technologies. The Digital Panel will offer inputs to provide direction for Finland’s digital development.
The objective of the Digital Panel is to find and create new initiatives and approaches that have not been identified yet. These will support the development of society, improve business conditions and create growth. The purpose of the Digital Panel is to find ways to implement the digital transformation and introduce new technologies in a manner that is safe and considers the risks.
The Digital Panel will also support Finland's effectiveness in the EU and globally by highlighting initiatives that are important to Finland relating to the digital transformation, the data economy and technological development.
The Digital Panel will be chaired by Kirsi Karlamaa, who is Director of Technology and Strategy at the Finnish Transport and Communication Agency. The members invited to join the panel represent a broad range of perspectives on society. Public officials from the Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Employment and the Economy and Ministry of Education and Culture will also participate in the panel’s work.
The Digital Panel is part of the stakeholder cooperation conducted under the inter-ministerial Coordination Group for Digitalisation. In addition to the Digital Panel, the Coordination Group for Digitalisation also oversees the Strategic Advisory Board on Digitalisation and the Data Economy, which covers public sector actors, and the Advisory Board on Information Management in Central Government.
Next steps
The term of the Digital Panel is from 1 August 2024 to 31 May 2026. The panel will meet two to four times a year and will communicate openly about its work and results.
Laura Eiro, Director General, [email protected], tel. +358 295 342 166
Aino Sipari, Senior Ministerial Adviser, [email protected], tel. +358 295 342 011
Gateway to Information on Government Projects: Digipaneelin asettamispäätös (VN/15863/2024) (in Finnish)