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European Bioeconomy Scene 2019 to bring numerous internationally renowned experts to Helsinki

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Publication date 29.3.2019 13.55
News item

A unique conference on the bioeconomy, to be held this year in the vibrant seaside city of Helsinki, will present new issues and offer insights into bio-based value chains and the related socioeconomic aspects. The objective of European Bioeconomy Scene 2019, which will take place on 8– 10 July, is to achieve an inclusive and sustainable bioeconomy for Europe.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland and the European Commission are jointly organising the conference as  one of the main events to be held in Helsinki during Finland’s Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The conference is one of the absolute highlights of the bioeconomy sector in Europe, and registration opens 25 March 2019 for a limited number of participants. 

The bioeconomy is a sustainable solution aiming to combat urgent global problems, such as climate change, increasing competition for natural resources and regional development. 

“The bioeconomy is an important part of Finland’s economy now and will continue to be so in the future. In order to implement the transition to the bioeconomy at the European level, we need better consensus, commitment and decisions. This conference is a remarkable arena for discussion on the smart and responsible use of renewable resources, and it will lead our way in building a sustainable future for Europe,” says Jaana Husu-Kallio, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. 

The Bioeconomy offers innovative approaches to the agriculture and food sectors, forestry and forest industry and chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The main focus of the conference is on strengthening and scaling up bio-based sectors and on unlocking investments and markets.  The aim is to raise public awareness and promote dialogue between the Commission, EU Member States and stakeholders. 

The conference will bring together academics, researchers, stakeholders, policymakers and representatives of business and civil society who share an interest in the bioeconomy. A wide range of participants is expected from all around Europe.

The objective of the conference is to exchange ideas on how to proceed in implementing the updated Bioeconomy Strategy “A sustainable Bioeconomy for Europe: strengthening the connection between economy, society and the environment” from 2018 and the Circular Economy Package
Further information is available at 


  • Welcome reception organised by the City of Helsinki and hosted by Mayor Jan Vapaavuori on 8 July at City Hall.
  • Conference takes place on 9 July at the Scandic Park Helsinki hotel in the city centre.
  • Excursions organised on 10 July to destinations showing cases of bioeconomy in practice. Participants will travel to sites within the greater Helsinki area and in central and eastern Finland. 


Please note that due to restricted capacity, the number of participants may be limited. A confirmation will be sent later to each participant accepted to attend the conference. 
Registration is open 25 March–17 April 2019 at    
Participation in the European Bioeconomy Scene 2019 is free of charge. Information about the practical arrangements can be found on the conference website at  

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Henni Purtonen, Communications Specialist, tel. +358 504705114, henni.purtonen(at) 
