Additional employment appropriations allocated to Ely Centres

On 27 August 2020, the Government decided in its fourth supplementary budget for 2020 on the regional allocation of employment appropriations for the management of the coronavirus crisis. A total of EUR 60 million was allocated to the Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (Ely Centres).
This additional appropriation is a response to the rise in unemployment caused by the coronavirus epidemic. Young people and recent graduates have been placed in a particularly difficult position, because the epidemic has weakened the operating conditions of many companies and reduced hiring of new workers.
– These additional contributions will mitigate the effects of the coronavirus crisis, which have affected young people in particular. We must now invest in developing the skills of unemployed people, Minister of Employment Tuula Haatainen says.
The appropriations will be mainly used for employment services and training for young people as well as for the development of competencies through training and coaching in cooperation with businesses.
The employment appropriations were allocated to the Ely Centres as follows:
ELY Centre | Employment appropriations € |
Uusimaa | 15 090 000 |
Southwest Finland | 4 730 000 |
Satakunta | 2 430 000 |
Häme | 4 110 000 |
Pirkanmaa | 6 080 000 |
Southeast Finland | 3 700 000 |
South Savo | 1 680 000 |
North Savo | 3 110 000 |
North Karelia | 2 490 000 |
Central Finland | 4 050 000 |
South Ostrobothnia | 1 940 000 |
Ostrobothnia | 2 330 000 |
North Ostrobothnia | 4 890 000 |
Kainuu | 1 100 000 |
Lapland | 2 270 000 |
TOTAL | 60 000 000 |
Kari Kainulainen, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 506 4950
Piia Rekilä, Special Adviser to the Minister of Employment, tel. +358 50 396 3574