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Companies and municipalities reduce annual energy consumption by 15 TWh

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 1.10.2024 10.00
Press release

In 2017–2023 companies, municipalities and joint municipal authorities that had joined the energy efficiency agreements took a total of 27,000 measures through which they have improved the efficiency of their annual energy consumption by about 14.8 TWh. These energy efficiency measures reduce Finland’s annual carbon dioxide emissions by more than three million tonnes.

 “It is truly great that with these agreements we have succeeded in further improving the efficiency of energy consumption,” Minister of Climate and the Environment Kai Mykkänen says. 

A total of 784 companies and their over 7,600 places of business and 161 municipalities and joint municipal authorities had joined the voluntary energy efficiency agreements for the years 2017 to 2025. Energy use in sectors that are committed to the agreements accounts for about 60% of Finland’s total energy consumption. 

Under the agreements almost EUR 1.5 billion invested in energy efficiency

The entities that joined the agreements invested as much as EUR 1.5 billion in energy efficiency between 2017 and 2023. The most substantial investments in energy efficiency were in industry and the energy sector, but quantitatively the largest number of individual energy efficiency measures were taken in the service, real estate and municipal sectors.

Between 2017 and 2023 the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment granted about EUR 145 million in energy aid for energy efficiency investments of companies and other entities that had joined the agreements. Aid was granted to about 1,400 projects that would not have been implemented without it.

Most entities that joined the agreements have reached their target two years ahead of schedule

Entities that joined the energy efficiency agreements have set for themselves a quantitative energy savings target in accordance with the agreement that they should reach by the end of 2025. The sum of the targets to improve the efficiency of energy consumption of those who had joined the agreement at the end of 2023 has already been exceeded by about 20%.

Energy efficiency agreements are based on voluntary action. Through these, nationally significant results have been achieved. The savings achieved during the current agreement period accounts for as much as four per cent of Finland’s total energy consumption. 

“Negotiations between the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of the Environment and Energy Authority and the sectors are currently under way concerning the next agreement period 2026 to 2035. The aim is to seamlessly continue the present activities that have proven highly successful. The more ambitious energy efficiency targets of the EU impose even higher demands for Finland as well,” says Simo Nurmi, Director General of the Energy Authority.

What are energy efficiency agreements?

Energy efficiency agreements are an important part of Finland’s Energy and Climate Strategy and the primary means for promoting efficient use of energy in Finland. The agreements implement the energy efficiency obligations laid down in the EU’s Energy Efficiency Directive and monitor their fulfilment. 

The organisations participating in the agreements between the state and sectors are the Confederation of Finnish Industries, Finnish Food and Drink Industries’ Federation, Finnish Energy, Chemical Industry Federation of Finland, Federation of Finnish Technology Industries, Finnish Forest Industries, Finnish Commerce Federation, Finnish Hospitality Association MaRa, Finnish Central Organisation for Motor Trades and Repairs, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, Finnish Association of Building Owners and Construction Clients, and Heating Energy Association LEY.

Pia Kotro, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 047 229
Tiina Sekki, Senior Specialist, Energy Authority, tel. +358 295 050 200
Ulla Suomi, Director, Motiva (Monitoring and Evaluation), tel. +358 40 733 9972