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Effects of the central government productivity programme in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 23.9.2024 14.06 | Published in English on 23.9.2024 at 15.02
News item

The Government submitted its budget proposal for 2025 to Parliament on Monday 23 September. The budget proposal includes proposals on the central government productivity programme in accordance with the Government Programme and the spring 2024 government session on spending limits.

The operating expenditure savings directed at the administrative branch of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment outlined by the Government Programme and the decisions of the spring 2024 spending limits discussion total:  

  • EUR 24.7 million in 2025 
  • EUR 26.9 million in 2026  
  • EUR 40.5 million in 2027 
  • EUR 40.5 million in 2028. 

According to the savings allocation plan prepared by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment for its agencies, the Ministry’s proportion of the above-mentioned annual sums is as follows:

  • EUR 1.500 million in 2025
  • EUR 2.175 million in 2026
  • EUR 3.284 million in 2027
  • EUR 3.284 million in 2028.

 The Ministry and the agencies in its administrative branch have drawn up productivity plans to implement the savings in cooperation with their staff. A more detailed allocation plan for the administrative branch in 2025 is presented in the table below. Each agency is responsible for communications on its savings measures. All measures will be implemented in accordance with good human resources policy.

Savings in operating expenditure in the administrative branch of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in 2025

Agency Operating expenditure savings, EUR million
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment -1,5
Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment -12,4
Geological Survey of Finland -1,7
Business Finland -5,7
Finnish Competition and Consumer Authority 0
Finnish Patent and Registration Office -2,8
Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency -1,2
Energy Authority 0
Promotion of integration and work-based immigration -0,6


Timo Jaatinen, Permanent Secretary, tel. +358 295 047 082
Jukka Nummikoski, Director, tel. +358 295 047 333