Government proposes to expand the local government trials on boosting employment

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 27.8.2020 13.39 | Published in English on 27.8.2020 at 14.37
Type:Press release

On 27 August 2020, the Government submitted a proposal to supplement the Government proposal on local government trials on boosting employment. According to the proposal, six new regions would be added to the trial. In addition, one or more municipalities would be added to four trial regions already confirmed in the original proposal.

The supplementary proposal specifies that the tasks would be performed by the municipality of the trial area. However, the municipality could agree to transfer the responsibility for carrying out a task to another municipality in the same trial region. Municipalities in the trial region could also agree on forms of cooperation for the performance of the tasks.

The purpose of the original proposal was to transfer the tasks and duties of the Employment and Economic Development Office to the municipalities during the trial. However, the proposal lacked provisions related to these tasks, which the new proposal now includes. 

38 municipalities applied for the trial during the additional call

A total of 12 applications covering 38 municipalities were received during the application period for the local government trials on boosting employment. Ten applications were selected for further preparation. The applications were assessed on the basis of the pre-announced conditions and the feasibility of the plans submitted.

The trials will be carried out in accordance with legislation enabling experimentation projects, which is under preparation. The trial regions will be confirmed after Parliament has adopted a separate experiment act. All the municipalities that applied for the trial have been informed of the outcome today.

Municipalities and municipal groups selected for the trial

  1. Alavieska, Kalajoki, Merijärvi, Oulainen, Ylivieska
  2. Jämsä, Keuruu, Saarijärvi
  3. Kannus, Perho, Kaustinen, Veteli, Halsua, Toholampi and Lestijärvi as part of the confirmed trial for Kokkola
  4. Kitee, Lieksa, Juuka, Rääkkylä, Heinävesi, Ilomantsi, Tohmajärvi
  5. Koski Tl as part of the confirmed trial for Salo and Marttila
  6. Kurikka, Kauhajoki, Teuva, Isojoki, Karijoki, Alavus, Soini
  7. Pertunmaa as part of the confirmed trial for Mikkeli, Juva, Mäntyharju, Kangasniemi, Puumala and Hirvensalmi
  8. Porvoo
  9. Raseborg, Hanko
  10. Ulvila as part of the confirmed trial for Pori and Kokemäki

Meri Pensamo, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7257
Tanja Ståhlberg, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7025
Lari Anttonen, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7088