New strategy to strengthen Finland’s competitiveness in battery sector and to promote climate goals

The electrification of society and the solutions offered by the battery industry will have a significant impact on how climate objectives can be achieved. The National Battery Strategy presents the means by which Finland will become a competitive, competent and sustainable player in the international battery industry. The Strategy is founded on the promotion of responsible battery production and electrification.
The working group preparing the Strategy submitted its proposal to Minister of Economic Affairs Mika Lintilä on 26 January 2021. The EU aims to create an innovative, competitive and sustainable battery industry in Europe, and the strategy responds to this challenge in part.
Finland can become an internationally important player in battery sector
Finland has many strengths to succeed in the battery sector and electrification. The cornerstones of the Battery Strategy include the availability of raw materials and the capability to process them, expertise in research and production of battery materials and recycling, and competence in electrification and digitalisation. Finland also wants to promote the circular economy of batteries. However, without the production and processing of battery minerals, climate objectives cannot be achieved because recycling alone does not cover the growing need for critical materials.
“Finnish companies have the opportunity to play a significant role in the electrification of European transport and society as a whole. When we utilise our current expertise and develop new competence in the battery and electrification sector, Finland can provide an attractive environment for new investments and the expansion of existing operations,” Lintilä says.
“The electrification of societies and transport is a powerful megatrend. Finland should seize this growth potential, which is only rarely available. In addition to battery raw materials, their processing and circular economy solutions, electrification will also create new opportunities for Finland’s traditional export sectors, including machine, transport and electronics industries. The key to success is competitiveness and a high level of competence,” says Mika Nykänen, Chair of the working group and Director General of the Geological Survey of Finland.
Finland needs to act fast to beat competition in the sector
Finland and other European countries are not considered forerunners in the battery sector, but Finland has a good starting point in the race. Asian countries, in particular China, South Korea and Japan, have a head start in battery technologies.
The Strategy's vision is that in 2025 the Finnish battery cluster will lead the way in producing innovations, sustainable economic growth, wellbeing, skills and jobs in Finland.
The working group proposes the following seven objectives:
- The battery and electrification cluster will grow and undergo a renewal.
- Investments in the battery and electrification cluster will increase.
- Operators in the battery and electrification sectors will promote competitiveness in cooperation.
- The Finnish battery and electrification sector will be known as a successful brand across the world.
- Responsibility will be a key part of the growth, renewal and brand of the Finnish battery and electrification sector.
- Finnish operators will play a key role in the new value chains.
- Digital solutions will expand the knowledge and business base and speed up the development of the battery sector.
More training and funding for battery sector
The working group proposes several measures to achieve these objectives, including the establishment of a new national cooperation body, which would be responsible for bringing together operators in the battery sector and for implementing the strategy. Other measures include improving competence through a training programme for battery engineers, creating a plan for a research programme focusing on the needs of the battery sector, appointing envoys to market Finland as a destination for battery investments and developing public funding.
A large number of experts from companies, research institutions, the Ministry and other public sector organisations have participated in the preparation of the National Battery Strategy.
Mika Nykänen, Director General of the Geological Survey of Finland, Chair of the working group, tel. +358 295 032 200
Jyrki Alkio, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 047 103
Jarkko Vesa, Senior Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 047 320