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Study on status of foreign berry pickers and its economic effects begins

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 19.1.2024 8.24
Press release

As it is at present, there are significant risks associated with the status of foreign berry pickers. The study commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment assesses the economic effects of the alternative solutions to both berry pickers and berry companies. The Government will decide on further preparation that may be needed later on.

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has commissioned a study that will assess the economic effects of alternative solutions to improve the status of foreigners picking wild berries in Finland. There are two main alternatives for this. In the first one, the Seasonal Workers Act and Decree would be amended so that employment contracts would be required for berry pickers who come as seasonal workers to Finland. The second option is to further develop the Berry Act in such a way that pickers would come to Finland as independent actors, which in practice mainly means as private traders. 

The study will explore the effects of the two options on the sector, the economic conditions of berry companies and the status and earnings of berry pickers. The effects on public finances will be assessed as well. 

The study will support political decision-making on the alternative models. The study will be conducted by Pellervo Economic Research PTT and it is to be completed in April 2024. 

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has appointed a working group to guide the study and to produce supplementary impact assessment in support of the decision-making and possible legislative amendments. The term of the working group is 12 January to 30 June 2024. 

A new working group will be appointed later on to prepare the government proposal, depending on what the government decides on the need for further preparation.

Problems related to working conditions and earnings

In Finland the picking of wild berries is strongly dependent on foreign labour, especially pickers invited and recruited from Thailand. Problems related to the working conditions and earnings of berry pickers have become more widely known over the past 10 years. 

Efforts have been made to improve the situation since 2014, first with the letter-of-intent procedure and then the Act on the Legal Status of Foreigners Picking Natural Products, which entered into force in 2021. The suspected cases of human trafficking in 2022 and 2023 further stress the need for new and sustainable solutions. 

Katri Niskanen, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 295 047 373
Veera Svahn, Special Adviser to the Minister of Employment, tel. +358 295 047 321 (questions to the Minister of Employment)
Henna Busk, Senior Economist, Pellervo Economic Research PTT, tel. +358 40 164 8136