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Working group to prepare reform of security of supply legislation

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 15.1.2024 9.29
Press release
Logo of the National Emergency Supply Agency of Finland

The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment has set up a broad-based working group to prepare the reform of the legislation on the security of supply. In accordance with the Government Programme, an overall review of the legislation will be carried out during this parliamentary term in order to update regulation. The working group term extends from 15 January 2024 to 31 December 2025.

The task of the intersectoral working group is to prepare a Government proposal on the Act on the Measures Necessary to Secure Security of Supply and the Government Decree on the National Emergency Supply Agency. The working group will carry out the preliminary preparation of the reform in the spring of 2024, after which it will continue as a project group for legislative reform. The working group will report to the Ministerial Working Group on Clean Energy, the Environment and Security of Supply. 

The Government proposal to amend the Act on the Measures Necessary to Secure Security of Supply is scheduled to be submitted to Parliament in autumn 2025. The aforementioned decree  will be prepared within the same timeframe. As the preparation proceeds, it will be specified to what extent and on what schedule regulation related to material preparedness will be drafted.

The aim of the reform is, among other things, to define the tasks of the National Emergency Supply Agency more clearly and to clarify the legal status of the National Emergency Supply Agency in more detail at the regulatory level. The package also includes a review of the financing of the security of supply, as well as the necessary regulatory changes. In connection with the reform, the management of the National Emergency Supply Agency will also be developed and alternative solutions to the issues subject to the reform will be assessed. 

The legal working group is chaired by Eeva Vahtera, Head of Division, Senior Ministerial Adviser, and the vice chair is Kari Klemm, Government Counsellor, both from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. 

The other members come from the Ministry of Transport and Communications, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of the Environment, as well as the National Emergency Supply Agency and the secretariat of the Security Committee. The working group also has permanent experts and a secretariat, and may set up sub-groups. During the preparation, the working group will also actively consult key stakeholders.

Sub-group to consider security of supply funding and tasks of the Security of Supply Fund

In connection with the appointment of the legislative working group, a financing sub-group was also set up to reassess the criteria for determining the security of supply fee and the need for regulatory changes. 

The National Emergency Supply Agency manages a Security of Supply Fund outside the government budget, to which security of supply fees are entered under the Act on Excise Tax on Liquid Fuels. The entries into the fund will decrease with the transition from fossil fuels to other energy sources, so it is necessary to secure its resources by finding new sources of funding for the fund. 

The sub-group is chaired by Director Jukka Nummikoski from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, and its other members are from the Ministry of Finance, the National Emergency Supply Agency and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

Eeva Vahtera, Head of Division, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, +358 29 504 9009 (chair of the working group)
Mirjami Tanner, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, +358 29 504 7167 (secretary of the working group)