Maintenance of the AuroraAI network's core components will end on 31 December 2023

Publication date 5.10.2023 14.02
Type:Press release

The maintenance of the AuroraAI network's core components and production of the service will end at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency on 31 December 2023.

The AuroraAI network has been part of the previous government's national AuroraAI artificial intelligence program that ended on 31 December 2022. Maintenance of the network's core components will end at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency on 31 December 2023.

The core components of the AuroraAI network will be shut down and the provision of the service will be discontinued by the end of this year. The number of users in the network was lower than expected, for example, which is why the network's maintenance and development work will no longer be continued.

The components of the AuroraAI network to be shut down are AuroraAPI, service recommendation and profile management. Their source codes are still freely available on GitHub.

As a whole, the AuroraAI programme laid the foundation for the development of artificial intelligence in public administration and a shift towards human-centred operating models. Solutions and operating models created during the programme can be utilised and development work can be taken forward in public sector organisations.

Additional information

  • Timo Salovaara, Director General, Digital and Population Data Services Agency, tel. +358 0295 535 303, [email protected]

  • Jarkko Levasma, Director, ICT Services, The Ministry of Finance, tel. +358 295 530 117, [email protected]