Changed operating environment also puts demands on the PCB cooperation

Publication date 30.1.2025 10.10
Type:News item

The cooperation between the Police, Customs, the Border Guard and the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service is referred to using the abbreviation PCB. The PCB cooperation has a new strategy that entered into force on 1 January 2025. The strategy is still built on the efficiency and flexibility of the cooperation, with the aim of better meeting the challenges and demands of the changing operating environment.

A joint goal of the Police, Customs, the Border Guard and the Finnish Security and Intelligence Service is to promote safety and security in society in a flexible, fast and efficient manner, and to do their part in ensuring Finland is the safest country in the world. Enforcement and crime prevention is at the heart of the PCB authorities’ work, as well as safeguarding the vital functions of society.

 The work of Finnish Customs and the other internal security authorities ensures a reliable operating environment for us all. Lately, the importance of the PCB cooperation in guaranteeing societal safety and security and operational reliability has been even more highlighted. The power of this cooperation lies in its flexibility and efficiency, which is needed when facing the present challenges, says Riikka Purra, Minister of Finance. 

More impactful results through shared informatio

Shared information is the basis for the activities and decision-making and guides the PCB cooperation in crime prevention, enforcement and preparedness. A data-driven PCB cooperation can add value to the activities of the parties and help them respond to sudden developments.

The changed operating environment and the security situation pose challenges to the authorities’ activities and this also puts pressure on developing the PCB cooperation. The view is that the changes affecting the operating environment of the PCB authorities are most likely to continue

– The PCB partnership has a significant impact on societal safety and security and the operating reliability in a changing operating environment where intelligence and a shared and coordinated preparedness are of key importance. The capabilities, powers and legislation will be developed in the same direction and from the point of view of cooperation, while taking into account the role and tasks of each authority, says Mari Rantanen, Minister of the Interior.

The aim of ensuring that the PCB cooperation has the necessary operating requirements and powers is also mentioned in the Government Programme. 

National Police Board News Offences and criminal investigation Police operations and development