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Appropriations in the General Government Fiscal Plan for the administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 12.5.2021 16.10
Press release

On 12 May, the Government approved the General Government Fiscal Plan for 2022-2025. The Plan includes the decision on spending limits for central government finances.

In the spending limits period, the annual appropriations for the administrative branch of the Ministry of Transport and Communications will amount to approximately EUR 3.25 billion.

The annual appropriation for basic transport infrastructure management will be, on average, EUR 1.3 billion. The aim is to halt the growth of and reduce the repair debt. In setting the level of the appropriations for basic transport infrastructure management, the measure to be proposed in the third supplementary budget bringing forward an allocation of EUR 50 million from 2022 to 2021 has been taken into account. 

The average annual appropriation for developing the transport infrastructure network will be EUR 344 million. The saving of EUR 110 million directed at the administrative branch from 2023 onwards has been taken into account in the appropriation. The final allocation of expenditure cuts will be decided at a spending limits session next spring. The Ministry of Transport and Communications will prepare the allocation with due regard for the developmental needs of its administrative sector.

A total of EUR 20 million of the support for public passenger transport will be allocated for measures based on climate criteria.


Sanna Ruuskanen, Director of Unit, tel. +358 50 376 2377

Press release 30.4.2021: Mid-term policy review and spending limits session - policies of the Ministry of Transport and Communications