Call for Proposals for International Non-governmental Organizations (INGOs)
The Call for Proposals for INGOs will be postponed. Additional information will be shared by October 2024.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland will open a Call for Proposals for INGOs for support in development cooperation later in the year 2024. The Call will be postponed from the timeline announced on 9 April 2024, due to the General Government Fiscal Plan decided on 25 April 2024 and the reform of the Foreign Service.
Additional information will be shared by October 2024. Further information about the Call, including details of thematic focus areas, will be published on the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland website.
Finland’s foreign and security policy is based on the rule of law, human rights, equality and democracy. Finland’s support to INGOs contributes to Finland's Government Programme, foreign policy, development policy and international human rights policy in sectors that are of strategic importance to Finland. Finland’s support to INGOs is guided by the goals and principles of Finland’s development policy in accordance with the goals of the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.
Support to INGOs is discretionary government funding granted by the MFA and subject to annual parliamentary approval in Finland. The Act on Discretionary Government Transfers (Valtionavustuslaki 688/2001) (unofficial translation in English) is applied to all INGO support procedures and the use of the grant.