Changes to periodic inspections in 2018

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 28.6.2017 12.24
Type:Press release

The interval for periodic inspections of passenger cars, vans and special vehicles weighing at most 3.5 tonnes and in private use, as well as the interval for heavy four-wheel vehicles, will be extended. In the future, these vehicles must be inspected for the first time no later than four years from the date when they were taken into use, and every two years thereafter. However, vehicles more than ten years old should be inspected annually. The inspection interval of light four-wheel vehicles remains the same as now.

The Government issued a decree on the changes on 28 June. The decree will enter into force on 20 May 2018. However, the inspection following the entry into force of the decree must be performed according to the inspection intervals valid at present.

"The goal of the amendment to the decree on vehicle inspections is to ease people's everyday life and bring savings. The amendments are not expected to have a significant effect on traffic safety, since the longer inspection intervals apply mainly to new vehicles, where technical faults are rare," says Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner.

Besides the inspection intervals, determination of the inspection date also changes. At present, the last date of inspection is determined by the date when the vehicle is taken into use. According to the new decree, the determining factor after the initial inspection is when the vehicle was last inspected.

The decree introduces obligatory inspections for tractors used in licensed transport of goods. At present, tractors are not inspected at all. According to the decree, tractors used in licensed traffic must be inspected for the first time not later than four years after they have been taken into use, and thereafter every two years.

The obligation to perform annual inspection on vehicles used as taxis is extended to encompass vehicles other than passenger cars. The change anticipates changes introduced by the Act on Transport Services, whereby vehicles other than passenger cars could also be used in taxi service.

No inspection obligation is envisioned for motorcycles. Alternative ways to promote traffic safety - lighter than the inspection obligation - are being reviewed in order to meet the requirements laid down in the EU Directive on the inspection of vehicles.

Acts pertaining to inspection are approved

At the same session, the Government proposed that the President of the Republic approve the amendments to the Vehicles Act, the Act on the Inspection of Vehicles and the Act on the Provision of Individual Approval of Vehicles. The intention is for the amendments to enter into force on 3 July 2017.

The legislative amendments also pertain to the implementation of the requirements laid down in the new EU Directives on inspection, roadside inspection and registration certificates.

Parliament requires that the Government monitor the functioning of legislation, especially with respect to traffic safety.

The second phase of reform of the legislation on inspection has also been launched. The issues to be considered during the second phase are, among others, easing of licensing regulations, the inspection obligation of certain vehicle classes and the range of means for sanctions in connection with control of inspection activities.

A memorandum on the proposals is being circulated for comments, ending on 15 September 2017.


Joel Karjalainen, Senior Officer, +358 50 431 7428

Anne Berner