EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy
The new EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020–2024 has approved last week. Finland actively participated in the negotiations and regards the Action Plan as a significant document steering the EU’s common foreign and security policy.
This Action plan strengthens the EU’s goal concerning the global human rights leadership. It is based on the commitment to the international rules-based system, universal human rights, rule of law and democracy. The human rights defenders, who are driven into a corner in many countries, will continue to be supported strongly.
The fight for equality continues
The EU continues its work promoting gender equality, parity and diversity. Particular attention is paid to the position and rights of people who are the most vulnerable. This is especially important due to the coronavirus situation, which has, according to several different surveys, increased inequality and led to human rights violations against those who are already in the most vulnerable position (e.g. disabled, indigenous peoples and sexual and gender minorities).
The Action Plan contains a wide range of actions to which the EU and the Member States commit in their bilateral and multilateral actions. The EU continues its long-term work, for example, to eliminate the death penalty and torture. Fundamental rights and freedoms remain as significant priorities. More attention will be paid on the economic, social and cultural rights. The promotion of human rights will also remain as an essential part of the EU’s trade and development policy. Severe human rights issues caused by climate change are comprehensively covered by the Action Plan. The human rights perspectives related to technology and digitalisation are also considered as well as the private sector’s role in promoting human rights.
The implementation of the Action Plan will start immediately, and its implementation will be regularly monitored in different assemblies of the Council.
For more information, please contact:
Janina Hasenson, Legislative Secretary at the Unit for Human Rights Policy, Ministry for Foreign Affairs
The Foreign Ministry’s email addresses are in the format [email protected].