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Finland participates in developing interoperability within border and visa policies to detect multiple identities
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs’ project on interoperability (the UMPIO project) coordinates the data related to internal security, border security and migration management in the EU information systems for security. The project is part of the development of entry systems funded by the EU.

The UMPIO project is developing a detector for the Visa Information System for checking identity, travel document and biometric data to identify individuals who are registered in several EU information systems. This enables detection of multiple identities linked to the same set of biometric data, which is important for the processing of visas.
The UMPIO project is part of an extensive project to develop information systems for security involving the EU Member States and the Schengen Community, EU agencies such as Frontex and Europol, and eu-LISA, the EU Agency for large-scale IT systems. Interoperability will consolidate border and visa policies.
The Immigration Process and System team in the Foreign Ministry’s Information Management sector implements the project together with the Ministry’s Visa Unit and the visa information system supplier. The project manager is Tarja Nylander.
The UMPIO project has been granted funding of EUR 1,813,182,30 through the Border Management and Visa Instrument (BMVI) for the period 1 February 2022 – 31 January 2025.