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Follow discussion online: Who determines the sexual and reproductive health and rights of persons with disabilities?

Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Publication date 15.11.2022 9.26
News item

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), the Family Federation of Finland and the Disability Partnership Finland will organise a discussion event on the sexual and reproductive health and rights of persons with disabilities at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs on 17 November.

Permanent State Under-Secretary Pasi Hellman will open the event. Other speakers will include UNFPA Representative to Iraq Rita Columbia, Member of the European Parliament Sirpa Pietikäinen.

The event will be streamed live on 17 November from 9.30:


The event will be hosted by Member of Parliament Saara-Sofia Sirén, who is Vice Chair of the Finnish All-Party Group Parliamentary on Sexual Rights and Development.

Experts, researchers and CSO activists in the field of disability will also participate in the discussions.

The panels will discuss examples of strengthening the inclusion of persons with disabilities when sexual and reproductive health services are being planned.

The second part of the panel discussion will focus on how disability matters should be considered in political decision-making.

The event will be held in English.

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