JEF Ministerial meeting in Oslo

Ministry of Defence
Publication date 14.6.2022 11.01
Press release
Director General Janne Kuusela of the Defence Policy Department in the Ministry of Defence is to attend the Joint Expeditionary Force (JEF) ministerial meeting that will be held in Oslo Tuesday 14 to 15 June 2022. Director General Kuusela will represent Minister of Defence Antti Kaikkonen at the meeting.
The topics on the agenda will include the situation in Ukraine and the development of JEF activities in the current security policy environment.
A table top exercise (TTX) will be organised in connection with the meeting, with the objective to improve the decision-making readiness of the JEF in a crisis. There will also be representatives other than those of defence administrations.
The UK-led JEF is a multilateral framework for defence cooperation formed by ten countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Its goal is to develop the military readiness of the participating countries, prevent various crises and, when necessary, act jointly in times of crisis. The JEF main operating environment is Northern Europe.
Inquiries: Senior Staff Officer Tatu Mikkola, Ministry of Defence, tel. +358 295 140 006.