New state-owned company: Traffic Management Finland

Ministry of Transport and Communications
Publication date 13.9.2018 13.48
Press release

The Government issued a decision on 13 September 2018 authorising the Ministry of Transport and Communications to establish a new limited company wholly owned by the state, to sign the documents relating to the establishment, including a memorandum of association, and to subscribe, on behalf of the state, all the shares of the company.

The special assignment company will be called Traffic Management Finland Oy. It will operate in maritime, railway and road traffic management and control as well as in the related data collection, management and utilisation.

On 27 June 2018, Parliament adopted an Act on the incorporation of Finnish Transport Agency's traffic control and management services. The Act will enter into force and the company will become operational on 1 January 2019. According to the Act, measures necessary for the implementation of the Act may be undertaken before the Act's entry into force.

Press release, 13 July 2018: Traffic management services to be incorporated