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Prime Minister Sipilä to visit Russia

Government Communications Department
Publication date 13.9.2017 13.16
Press release 397/2017

Prime Minister Juha Sipilä will meet Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev in St Petersburg on Thursday 21 September. Sipilä and Medvedev will hold discussions on bilateral matters, such as promoting economic relations. They will also talk about the relations between the EU and Russia and about regional cooperation.

In addition, both prime ministers will be talking at the opening of the Finnish-Russian Cultural Forum in St Petersburg. The theme of the opening at the Cultural Forum is ‘The hundred faces of culture’, and it is the most significant event in Russia relating to the celebration of Finland's 100 years of independence.

Prime Minister Sipilä’s programme also includes a visit to ‘Finland House’.

Inquiries: Jani Raappana, Special Adviser (international Affairs), tel. + 358 295 160 306, Prime Minister's Office

More information on the media arrangements in St Petersburg:  Anne Sjöholm, Head of Communications for EU Affairs, tel. +358 40 537 07 33, Prime Minister's Office and Susanna Niinivaara, Press Officer, Consulate General in St. Petersburg, tel.  +7 921 952 8076