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Prime Minister Sipilä to visit Tallinn

Government Communications Department
Publication date 27.10.2016 11.05
Press release 460/2016

Prime Minister Juha Sipilä will make an official visit to Estonia on 3 November. He will meet the Prime Minister of Estonia, Taavi Rõivas, in Tallinn.

The prime ministers will discuss topical EU issues, the security situation in the Baltic Sea region, regional cooperation projects in the transport and energy sectors, and digital cooperation between Finland and Estonia.

This is Prime Minister Sipilä's second visit of his term of office to Estonia. 

Inquiries: Jari Haapiainen, Special Adviser (EU-affairs), tel. +358 295 160 406 and Anne Sjöholm, Head of Communications for EU Affairs, tel. +358 40 537 0733, Prime Minister’s Office