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Terminology of topical legislative projects published: health and social services reform, new counties, and intelligence gathering

Prime Minister's Office
Publication date 1.2.2019 10.16
News item 64/2019

The Translation and Language Division of the Prime Minister's Office prepares glossaries of topical terms. The most recent lists of terms are related to the health, social services and regional government reform and the intelligence gathering legislation, prepared in the ministries and discussed in Parliament. The Prime Minister's Office has now published three new glossaries to harmonise the use of terminology in Finnish, Swedish and English.

Key terms relating to the health and social services reform

The glossary contains 55 central concepts used in the health and social services reform. Specialists from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Prime Minister's Office, and the Finnish Terminology Centre TSK selected the Finnish terms to the glossary. Definitions of the concepts will be added to the glossary later.  Working groups in the Translation and Language Division prepared the recommended terms in Swedish and English. The glossary offers consistent recommendations of usage for those working in the field.

Terms related to the administrative structure and the regional government reform in Finland, and names of Finnish regions and municipalities

The glossary contains the Swedish and English equivalents of Finnish terms, describing the administrative structure and levels of administration in Finland. Certain terms related to the planned regional government reform are also included. The Translation and Language Division of the Prime Minister's Office set up working groups of Swedish and English language specialists to consider equivalents to the terms. The recommended terms should be used in all texts prepared in the central government of Finland.  A list of Finnish regions (or future counties) in four languages (Finnish, Swedish, English and Russian) and the names of Finnish municipalities in Finnish, Swedish and English are provided at the end of the glossary.

Glossary of intelligence terms [being updated]

The glossary contains about 30 concepts related to intelligence and information gathering, which have come up in translations concerning the reform of civilian and military intelligence legislation. The glossary was compiled in the Translation and Language Division of the Prime Minister's Office in close cooperation with experts specialising in the preparation of intelligence legislation.

The glossary contains carefully considered translations of Finnish intelligence terms in Swedish and English. The legislative reform has produced a few totally new concepts, too. 

The glossary is currently being updated, and the new version will be published as soon as possible. In the meantime, if you have any questions concerning the terminology in this field, please contact termineuvonta (at)

Updating glossaries

As the legislative proposals related to the health and social services reform and intelligence gathering legislation are still pending in Parliament, the glossaries may have to be updated later. Any questions or comments on the glossaries are welcome and can be sent to termineuvonta(a)