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Peace is the Best Way to Help Refugees
Prime Minister Juha Sipilä's speech at the Doha Forum

Government Communications Department
Publication date 15.5.2017 16.55

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Your Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, dear participants,

This Forum has provided a platform for many excellent discussions on development, stability and refugees. These are crucial global issues that require an international response.

We know that thousands of people are forcibly displaced every single day. Unfortunately, it seems this trend is not reversing; rather the reality is quite the opposite. 

I represent a European government, and yet, I am not entirely satisfied with the way we in Europe are looking at the world’s refugee crisis. I think we really need to change our mindsets.

Instead of focusing only on "managing" refugee flows, we really need to understand why people are on the move. That is, we need to address the root causes of forced displacement. Yes, we already talk about this a lot, but I’m not always sure whether the talk in the meeting rooms is connected with the reality on the ground.

At the same time, we must remember that when talking about refugees, the issue is not about numbers, but about precious human lives and human rights.

Most refugee flows are a result of man-made conflicts. It is therefore logical that the most effective way of preventing refugee flows is to ensure that nobody is forced to flee. That means preventing conflicts and working for peace.

The essential elements in achieving this aim are building stable, well-functioning societies, guaranteeing the rule of law and equal rights for all, and using diplomacy and negotiations where necessary.  

It sounds so simple, and yet, it is so complex. Unfortunately, nobody can predict all future wars and conflicts, not to mention their impact on large-scale migration flows. But, in many cases, it is possible to see the lack of development or stability, or both, in a country or a region. Yet we have to want to see this. Too often we, for instance in Europe, forget the conflicts and human suffering that are not immediately at our doorstep.

What we can and must do is to pay more attention to increasing our collective capacity for identifying potential conflicts and preventing them by diplomatic means. And, if or when conflicts arise, the global community must be more active in conflict management, mediation and peace-building.

I welcome UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' initiative to enhance mediation capacity, both at the United Nations headquarters and in the field, and to support regional and national mediation efforts. 

Mediation is also one of Finland's foreign policy priorities. We underline the importance of involving all relevant stakeholders in peace processes. Lasting peace can only be achieved through inclusive dialogues. And, I firmly believe that the equal participation of both men and women is a crucial component in any peace process to reach sustainable peace.

Gender equality is also one of the sustainable development goals of Agenda 2030. These goals — which also include putting an end to poverty, combatting climate change and ensuring quality education for all — are very real things in this world. Once we reach them, they are the best guarantee for peaceful societies, development and stability for all.

Ladies and gentlemen,

In many conflicts today, civilians are targeted rather than protected. Refugees face insecurity at many levels. First, they are forced to flee and leave their homes behind. And then, their fate often ends up in the hands of smugglers, and they are subjected to trafficking and exploitation. We have seen too much of this on the European shores, as well.

Protecting the rights of civilians and respecting international law in conflicts must be a priority. It is our common responsibility to ensure this. 

The right to seek asylum from persecution is a universal human right which cannot be compromised. Neither is it illegal to search for a better life. International conventions on the protection and rights of refugees were prepared exactly for times like these. Our common commitments exist, and they must be honoured.