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Government appoints new Ministerial Working Group on Population Policy

valtioneuvoston viestintäosasto
Publication date 28.11.2019 14.34
Press release 624/2019

In its plenary session on 28 November 2019, the Government set up a new Ministerial Working Group on Population Policy. Its task is to monitor demographic trends, to examine the reasons for these developments and to present strategic policy approaches and proposals for adapting to a new demographic structure and to make sure demographic developments evolve sustainably.

The birth rate in Finland has declined steadily throughout the 2010s and was at the lowest ever level in 2018. Finland is one of the first welfare states in the world to face the challenges and opportunities arising from an aged population.

First policy approaches for the spring

The working group will examine at least the following:

  • Economic and other elements of uncertainty experienced by young adults and how to dispel such uncertainties
  • The effects of economic, social and regional inequality on birth rates and related measures
  • The impact of lower birth rates on public services
  • Reproduction and parenthood linkages with patterns of life and modern working life
  • Effects of immigration, emigration and internal migration on the demographic structure in different parts of the country
  • The significance of parenting for the position of women and men in the labour market and the division of caring responsibilities
  • Family-friendly working life, making society more child-friendly and supporting people so that they can have the number of children they desire
  • Devising demographic indicators that gauge family formation and birth rate effects and, more broadly, good living and sustainable demographic developments
  • Ensuring equitable conditions for children irrespective of their background

The Working Group aims to present its first policy approaches and concrete proposals for action in time for the spring 2020 government discussion on spending limits and broader sets of measures in time for the government's mid-term policy review.

The Ministerial Working Group on Population Policy is the seventh ministerial working group appointed by the Government. The six other working groups are the Ministerial Working Group on Promoting Employment, the Ministerial Working Group on Climate and Energy Policy, the Ministerial Working Group on Health and Social Services, the Ministerial Working Group on Competence, Education, Culture and Innovation, the Ministerial Working Group on Child and Youth Policy and the Ministerial Working Group on Internal Security and Strengthening the Rule of Law.

The new working group will be chaired by Prime Minister Antti Rinne. The other members of the Working Group are Minister of Economic Affairs Katri Kulmuni (vice-chair), Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services Krista Kiuru, Minister of Science and Culture Hanna Kosonen, Minister of the Interior Maria Ohisalo, Minister of Social Affairs and Health Aino-Kaisa Pekonen and Minister of Justice Anna-Maja Henriksson.

A general secretary for the ministerial working group will be appointed by the government in plenary session at a later date.

Inquiries: Timo Lankinen, Permanent State Under-Secretary, tel. +358 295 160 300, Prime Minister's Office and Dimitri Qvintus, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister, (Media Relations), +358 50 574 0956