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Silver Economy Forum follows up on the success story of ageing

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health
Publication date 4.7.2019 14.32 | Published in English on 4.7.2019 at 18.39
News item

Widespread longevity is the success story of modern society. It shows that many illnesses and diseases have been conquered. Senior citizens are now in better health, they function better and they are more active than ever before. Yet ageing is often seen as a social and economic burden. The High-Level Forum on the Silver Economy, a major event during the Finnish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, aims to change that pattern of thinking.

The Silver Economy Forum is a unique joint endeavour of political decision-makers, governments and businesses. It will bring together more than 600 politicians, public officials, experts, researchers and business leaders to Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, in 9–10 July 2019 to discuss the social and economic effects of ageing and the new opportunities it brings. This will be the first global high-level economic and policy forum on ageing with special focus on digitalisation and the deployment of new technologies.

As the share of older persons is constantly growing – quite quickly in many countries – ageing brings new challenges both for the sustainability of public finances and for businesses. To be successful in the future, societies and businesses need to take account of the phenomenon of ageing. The goal set by the organisers is that ageing should be considered in all social planning and decision-making and in business strategies.

The event is closely linked to the key theme of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health during the Finnish Presidency: the economy of wellbeing. In an economy of wellbeing, money is invested in improving the wellbeing of citizens, for example, by preventing illnesses and diseases. As people are healthier and feel well, they are able to work and pay taxes. At the same time, they have less need for social welfare and health care services. This would be crucial for national economies, with populations ageing all over the word, including in Finland.

The Forum is co-organised by the Finnish Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, the Ministry of Finance, the Bank of Finland, Finance Finland and the Global Coalition on Aging (GCOA).


Sarita Friman, Secretary General of the event, tel. +358 295 163 349, [email protected]