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CEWP Conference promotes preparedness for problems in water security

maa- ja metsätalousministeriö
Publication date 9.11.2018 9.57
Press release

The High-Level Conference of the China Europe Water Platform (CEWP) for water cooperation between China and the European Union sought solutions to global challenges that threaten water supply and security. The main themes of the panel discussion were the circular economy, sustainable use of natural resources, and structures of the financial basis of the water sector.

The Conference in Beijing on 7–8 November was attended by ministerial delegations from the EU Member States, European Commission and China. Finland’s address at the Conference was given by the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Anne-Mari Virolainen.

In addition, 10 Finnish companies operating in the water sector attended the CEWP business seminar. The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry was represented by Juha Niemelä, Director-General of the Natural Resources Department.

“Increased cooperation among international operators in the water sector and deepening the EU-Chinese partnership in water issues are at the heart of water security and sustainable use of natural resources”, says Seppo Rekolainen, Director of International Water Cooperation at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, who also heads the European Secretariat of the CEWP.

Finland is the lead country of the EU in CEWP in 2018–2019. During the term, the particular focus will be on attaining the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The purpose of the China Europe Water Platform established in 2012 is to enhance policy dialogue and research and business cooperation on water issues between the two continents.

In the same week, international water policy and business and innovation themes are also on the agenda of the China International Import Expo CIIE in Shanghai. Finland’s pavilion at the Expo showcases more than 20 Finnish companies.

CIIE is one of the most significant political events in China this year, with a total of 480,000 registered participants, 220,000 of them from abroad.


Seppo Rekolainen, Director of International Water Cooperation, tel. +358 295 162 086, [email protected]

Anne-Mari Virolainen EU ja kansainväliset asiat Vesi