Minister Rydman to attend meeting of EU competitiveness ministers

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 25.9.2024 14.04
Type:Press release
Elinkeinoministeri Wille Rydman
Elinkeinoministeri Wille Rydman

Minister of Economic Affairs Wille Rydman will attend a formal meeting of EU competitiveness ministers in Brussels on 26 September 2024. The ministers will discuss the future of European competitiveness and the development of state aid.

The Competitiveness Council will discuss the future of European competitiveness and the operating conditions for business and industry. EU competitiveness and a stronger industrial policy are among the key priorities selected for the new European Commission. In this respect, a recent report published by the former Prime Minister of Italy and former President of the ECB, Mario Draghi, provides input for the programme of the next Commission. 

In Finland’s view, the EU’s strategic competitiveness should be based on further developing the Union’s strengths and implementing market-based solutions. A well-functioning internal market based on free movement and an effective state aid and competition policy are at the heart of this. The level of the EU budget must remain reasonable. More funding should be allocated to measures that promote research, innovation and competence, and digitalisation and the clean transition. Finland wants to see lighter and better EU regulation.

Competition for state aid between the United States, China and Europe, on the one hand, and within the EU, on the other hand, will intensify. Finland would like to see the current temporary flexibilities in EU state aid rules abolished as soon as possible, nor does Finland currently see a need to introduce new flexibilities in state aid. Finland calls attention to the harmful effects of competition for state aid and the risks it poses for the unity of Europe and the functioning of the single market. As a small country, Finland finds it difficult to compete against its larger peers with investment aid.

In Finland’s view, any new needs for funding to support competitiveness and promote the green transition should mainly be covered by prioritising and reallocating existing EU funds, for example by utilising unused recovery funds.

In connection with the Council, Rydman will meet Dirk Beljaarts, Minister of Economic Affairs of the Netherlands, and Sven Giegold, State Secretary at the German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. 

Lars Aikala, Special Adviser to the Minister of Economic Affairs, tel. +358 29 504 7330
Leila Vilhunen, Adviser to Minister of Economic Affairs (EU and International Affairs), tel. +358 29 504 7120