EU competitiveness ministers to meet in Brussels on 12 March 2025

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 11.3.2025 12.21
Type:Press release
Eu-lippu näppäimistöllä

The EU Competitiveness Council (internal market and industry) will meet in Brussels on 12 March 2025. Minister of Economic Affairs Wille Rydman will represent Finland at the meeting.

There are four topics on the meeting agenda: 

  1. The future strategy for the single market, in particular the development of the internal market for services: Finland has strongly supported the preparation of the single market strategy. A strategic approach with concrete and ambitious proposals is necessary to develop the internal market for services and to strengthen the implementation of the Services Directive.
  2. Reducing the administrative burden on businesses through the Commission's omnibus package and simplification of EU regulation: Finland supports the Commission’s aim to reduce reporting obligations of companies arising from EU legislation by 25 per cent. The objective is lighter and better EU regulation.
  3. Improving the competitiveness of European industry with the help of the competitiveness compass and the clean industrial deal: Finland considers that the EU's industrial policy must remain horizontal and promote industrial renewal, giving room for technological development and innovation.
  4. A competitive and decarbonised EU industry: Finland emphasises that the plans for measures to prevent carbon leakage must consider the operating conditions of energy-intensive industries and, on the other hand, the competitiveness perspectives of industries using products subject to the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism. 

As part of strengthening the internal market and industrial policy, it is also necessary to improve resource efficiency, the functioning of the circular economy and the development of carbon-neutral materials.

On Finland’s initiative, the ministers will also discuss a non-paper on a new horizontal single market strategy that has been jointly drafted by several Member States. Finland has long advocated for a horizontal single market strategy for the EU, which includes a more detailed action plan for services. 

Over lunch, the meeting will focus on e-commerce.

Taru Löyttymäki, Senior Specialist, Competitiveness Council Coordinator, +358 29 504 7177