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Nina Kopola appointed as Director General of Business Finland

työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö
Publication date 19.6.2019 14.55
Press release
Niina Kopola

Licentiate of Science in Technology Nina Kopola has been appointed as the Director General of Business Finland starting on 1 September 2019. In 2011–2018 Kopola served as President and CEO of Suominen Corporation. Before that, she held various leading positions at Dynea in 2000–2011. She has also worked at Neste Chemicals.

“What Kopola will bring to Business Finland is her diverse experience in leadership and excellent knowledge of the global operating environment and international business. She has a solid background as a researcher and leader of research and product development, which also means she has a very good perspective on how to lead and further develop Business Finland”, says Minister of Economic Affairs Katri Kulmuni.

A total of 42 persons applied for the post of Business Finland’s Director General by the end of the application round. The person selected will hold the position for a fixed term of five years. The Government appointed the Director General of Business Finland on the proposal of the Minister of Economic Affairs Katri Kulmuni.

Business Finland is an innovation funding centre and a government agency operating in the administrative sector of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The objective of the funding centre and the company it manages, Business Finland Oy, is to drive the reinvention and development of the business sector through technology and innovation, to promote international networking, and to improve the quality of working life. The present Director General of Business Finland Pekka Soini will hold the position until the end of his term.

Heidi Nummela, Director of Human Resources and Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 504 7988
Nina Kopola, Director General of Business Finland from 1 September 2019, tel. +358 50 385 2018