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Preparation of a new climate and energy strategy started

Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment
Publication date 5.5.2020 12.00 | Published in English on 6.5.2020 at 13.19
Press release

The preparation of a new national climate and energy strategy is getting started, led by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. The work on the strategy will be coordinated with that of the Medium-term Climate Change Plan for 2030 under the Ministry of the Environment, which will be responsible for measures concerning the effort sharing sectors. The strategy content should be completed in summer 2021 and the strategy is to be submitted as a report to Parliament in autumn 2021.

The work is based on the Government Programme, according to which the strategy and climate plan are to be updated in such a way that the emission reduction levels required by the carbon-neutrality target to 2035 will be reached. The solutions will be evaluated from the perspective of their impact and cost-effectiveness, while also taking into account regional differences and effects to employment.

The strategy will cover all greenhouse gas emissions (emissions trading and effort sharing sectors) and removals through the carbon sinks (land use sector). The matters to be covered also include the reviews according to the five pillars of the Energy Union (low-carbon solutions including renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy market, security of supply and RDI activities), climate change adaptation, energy and greenhouse gas balances, and comprehensive impact assessments of the set of policy measures to be selected (strategic environmental assessment SEA, equality, national economy, central government finances, and social and regional impacts).

In accordance with the reporting practices under the Governance of the Energy Union, the scenarios for the strategy will be calculated until 2040. The focus will be on fulfilling the EU’s climate and energy targets to 2030 and the climate neutrality target to 2030 in the Government Programme. The Commission’s legislative proposals laying down even stricter targets to 2035 to be given in summer 2021 will also be taken into account in the strategy work.

Studies and analyses concerning certain individual sectors to be carried out in different ministries include roadmaps to carbon neutrality (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment), working group on peat (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment), carbon footprint of construction (Ministry of the Environment), roadmap for fossil-free transport (Ministry of Transport and Communications) and working groups on taxation (Ministry of Finance).

An unofficial background group with representatives from the key ministries in climate issues will be set up to support the strategy work. A kick-off event for stakeholders will be organised after the summer.

Scientific research information for the strategy work

A background study under the Government’s analysis, assessment and research activities (VN TEAS) will be launched to support the strategy work. The study will be coordinated by the VTT Technical Research Centre, and the key partners are the Finnish Environment Institute (Syke), Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and Pellervo Economic Research (PTT). The steering group of the study held its first meeting with the researchers on 29 April 2020.

The project ‘Carbon-neutral Finland 2035 – climate and energy policy measures and their impacts’ (HIISI) responds to the needs for research and analyses for the preparation of both the climate and energy policy strategy and the mid-term climate policy plan. The project will also produce scientific data and analyses for the reporting under the EU Governance Regulation (progress reports) and updating the National Energy and Climate Plan to be submitted to the EU.

The project will produce both quantitative and qualitative analyses on the impacts of the new climate and energy policy measures for the different emission sectors, businesses, humans and the natural environment. The aim of the new policy and other steering instruments is to ensure a just and sustainable transition to a carbon-neutral society by 2035.

The project aims to involve different stakeholders and individuals as broadly as possible and communicate on the outcomes and analyses in diverse ways to enhance the understanding and acceptance of the new climate and energy policy measures among the different actors and groups of people.

Petteri Kuuva, Deputy Director, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 506 4819
Markku Kinnunen, Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 506 4792
Bettina Lemström, Senior Officer, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, tel. +358 29 506 4116