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Prime Minister Stubb to Arctic conference in Norway

valtioneuvoston viestintäosasto
Publication date 15.1.2015 13.45
Press release 22/2015

On Tuesday 20 January, Prime Minister Alexander Stubb will attend the international Arctic Frontiers conference in Tromsø, Norway. The conference will bring together decision-makers, business life representatives and researchers from the north to discuss economic development in the Arctic areas. This year the conference will focus on climate and energy issues.

A joint expert report by Finland, Sweden and Norway will be published at the conference. The report, entitled "Growth from the North", examines possibilities for economic cooperation between the three countries. In addition to Prime Minister Stubb, the Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg and the Swedish Minister for Strategic Development and Nordic Cooperation Kristina Persson will also attend the event. The expert group was convened in spring 2014 by prime ministers Jyrki Katainen, Frederik Reinfeldt and Erna Solberg. The members of the working group were CEO of the Finnish Chamber of Commerce Risto E.J. Penttilä, County Governor Magdalena Andersson from Sweden and Rector Anne Husebekk from UiT The Arctic University of Norway. 

Prime Minister Stubb will also participate in a round table discussion with Finnish and Norwegian business life representatives. Economic development in northern Norway provides a lot of cooperation opportunities for Finnish businesses. During his visit, Prime Minister Stubb will also give a lecture at the University of Tromsø.

Inquiries: Anna-Kaisa Heikkinen, Special Adviser (International Affairs), tel. +358 40  7483 867 and Pete Pokkinen, Special Adviser (Press Relations), tel. +358 40 756 7180, Prime Minister’s Office

Conference website