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Prime Minister Sipilä to European Council meeting

statsrådets kommunikationsavdelning
Publication date 19.3.2019 16.12
Press release 164/2019

Prime Minister Juha Sipilä will be in Brussels on 21–22 March to attend the European Council meeting and the European Council's meeting on the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. The topics for the March Council will be improvement of employment, growth and competitiveness; EU's climate measures and external relations.

The European Council will discuss measures aimed at strengthening and deepening the internal market, such as development of the digital economy and service economy. In terms of climate measures, the Council will discuss the preparations of the EU’s long-term climate strategy. In external relations, the focus will be on the relations between the EU and China and the preparations for the EU-China Summit on 9 April. The European Council will also discuss how to improve EU measures on combatting disinformation.

Inquiries: Kare Halonen, State Secretary for EU Affairs, tel. +358 295 160 319, Niina Nurkkala, Special Adviser (EU Affairs), tel. +358 50 347 2661, and Anne Sjöholm, Head of Communications for EU Affairs, tel. +358 40 537 0733, Prime Minister’s Office