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President and the Ministerial Committee on Foreign and Security Policy discussed crisis management and 5G networks

statsrådets kommunikationsavdelning
Publication date 27.11.2019 13.00 | Published in English on 27.11.2019 at 14.19
Press release 618/2019

On Wednesday 27 November 2019, the President of the Republic and the Ministerial Committee on Foreign and Security Policy held a preparatory discussion on the priorities of civilian and military intelligence for 2020.

The President and the Ministerial Committee also discussed issues relating to international crisis management. Finland has currently approximately 400 soldiers participating in ten military crisis management operations within the framework of the UN, the EU, NATO and the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL. The meeting outlined that Finland will step up its participation in EU operations within the framework of national decisions concerning such participation, and explore the opportunities to step up its participation in military crisis management operations in Africa.

The President of the Republic and the Ministerial Committee on Foreign and Security Policy also dealt with the international discussion security aspects related to 5G networks.

Inquiries: Mikko Kinnunen, Director General, tel. +358 295 351 820, Ministry for Foreign Affairs; Petri Knape, Director of the National Security Unit (civilian intelligence), tel. +358 295 488 235, Ministry of the Interior; Janne Kuusela, Director General (crisis management), tel. +358 295 140 300 and Harri Ohra-aho, Ministerial Adviser (military intelligence), tel. +358 295 160 01, Ministry of Defence

Anna-Maja Henriksson Antti Kaikkonen Antti Rinne Katri Kulmuni Li Andersson Pekka Haavisto Ville Skinnari regeringen