Monitoring group for the implementation of the EU's digital and data regulations

LVM023:00/2024 Development

The group's goal is to coordinate and monitor the national implementation of the EU's digital and data regulations, serve as a point of contact for information exchange between agencies and the government, and maintain an overview to ensure the consistent implementation of administrative tasks and obligations.

Project status

Basic information In progress

Project number LVM023:00/2024

Case numbers VN/15878/2024

Set by Ministry of Transport and Communications

Term/schedule 4.9.2024 – 31.12.2026

Date of appointment 4.9.2024

Relation to the Government Programme


Luku 6 Kasvun kaava

Alaluku 6.4 Kasvua datataloudesta ja digitalisaatiosta

Contact person
Lotta Engdahl, Neuvotteleva virkamies
tel. +358 295 342 005
[email protected]

Contact person
Merita Erkkilä, Erityisasiantuntija
tel. +358 295 342 136
[email protected]

Goals and results

Viranomaisten työn puitteiden, viranomaistoiminnan ja valvonnan organisoinnin ja yhteistyön ja tiedon saannin toivotaan toimivan jatkossa mahdollisimman yhtenäisesti. Lisäksi tavoitteena on miettiä eri keinoja varmistaa seuraamusten oikeasuhtaisuus keskenään hyvin erilaisten vaatimusten ja säädöspohjien kesken.


The group's goal is to coordinate and monitor the national implementation of the EU's digital and data regulations, serve as a point of contact for information exchange between agencies and the government, and maintain an overview to ensure the consistent implementation of administrative tasks and obligations.