Hallituksen esitys eduskunnalle laiksi Liikenne- ja viestintävirastosta annetun lain 3 §:n ja sähköisen viestinnän palveluista annetun lain 304 §:n muuttamisesta

LVM036:00/2021 Statute drafting

The Ministry of Transport and Communications has started preparations for the designation of the National Cyber Security Centre operating under the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency as Finland’s National Coordination Centre in the EU for cyber security matters. The new role would provide the Cyber Security Centre with more opportunities to support the information security sector in Finland.

Project status

Basic information Completed

Project number LVM036:00/2021

Case numbers VN/13297/2021

Set by Ministry of Transport and Communications

Term/schedule 12.5.2021 – 31.12.2021

Date of appointment 11.5.2021

Relation to the Government Programme


Strategiset kokonaisuudet Osaamisen, sivistyksen ja innovaatioiden Suomi

Law drafting

HE laiksi liikenne- ja viestintävirastosta annetun lain 3 §:n ja sähköisen viestinnän palveluista annetun lain 304 §:n muuttamisesta
  • 1

    Under preparation

    Added to session on 19.8.2021
  • 2

    Estimated week of presentation

    Original estimated week of presentation 38/2021
    Estimated new week of presentation 39/2021
  • 3

    Current stage: Submitted to Parliament

  • 4

    Statute adopted

Parliamentary reply EV 147/2021

Hankkeella pantaisiin kansallisesti täytäntöön Euroopan kyberturvallisuuden teollisuus-, teknologia- ja tutkimusosaamiskeskuksesta (jälj. kompetenssikeskus) annettavan asetuksen mukaisen kansallisen koordiaatiokeskuksen nimeäminen.Kansallinen koordinaatiokeskus toimisi yhteys-, koordinaatio- ja tukipisteenä, jonka tehtävät määrittyvät suhteessa EU-tason kompetenssikeskukseen. EU –rahoitus kahdelle ensimmäiselle vuodelle on 1 MEUR koordinaatiokeskuksen perustamiseen ja toimintaan, ja 1 MEUR jaettavaksi rahallisena tukena erityisesti pk –yrityksille kyberturvallisuusratkaisujen käyttöönottamiseksi. EU-rahoitusta voitaisiin hakea 50 %, lisäksi tarvitaan kansallista rahoitusta vastaava määrä.

Minister in chargeMinister of Transport and Communications Harakka

Additional information

  • Finance act: Legislative proposal affecting state revenues or commanding appropriations to purposes set out in the law.

Legislative plan for autumn session 2021

Goals and results

The purpose of the National Coordination Centre is to operate as Finland's contact, coordination and support point in the network of the Coordination Centres. It has a further task to gather a community of stakeholders that will act as part of the EU-wide Cyber Security Competence Community. The community will strengthen the links to the research sector and intensify cooperation between the public administration and the private sector.

The new tasks would strengthen the role of the Cyber Security Centre in supporting Finnish business and industry based on cyber security. The Cyber Security Centre would facilitate the emergence of new enterprises and the building of an entire information security cluster in Finland.


The Ministry of Transport and Communications has started preparations for the designation of the National Cyber Security Centre operating under the Finnish Transport and Communications Agency as Finland’s National Coordination Centre in the EU for cyber security matters. The new role would provide the Cyber Security Centre with more opportunities to support the information security sector in Finland.

Starting points

The designation is based on a regulation to be adopted this year on the establishment of the European Cybersecurity Industrial, Technology and Research Competence Centre and the Network of National Coordination Centres.

Additional information

Hankkeet - hankkeen ajankohtaisaineistojen listaus - Hankeikkuna is temporarily unavailable.