Sustainable Growth Programme for Higher Education in Finland
OKM049:00/2021 Development
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All ministries' projects are available on the Government website
The Sustainable Growth Programme for Higher Education in Finland seeks solutions through which higher education and research can contribute to the strengthening of the Finnish public economy and fuel sustainable growth.
Basic information Completed
Project number OKM049:00/2021
Case numbers VN/17091/2021
Set by Ministry of Education and Culture
Term/schedule 18.8.2021 – 12.5.2023
Date of appointment 18.8.2021
Contact person
Maija Innola, Opetusneuvos
tel. +358 295 330 120
[email protected]
Contact person
Pauli Kettunen, Hallinnollinen avustaja
tel. +358 295 330 145
[email protected]
Contact person
Maarit Palonen, Opetusneuvos
tel. +358 295 330 243
[email protected]
Goals and results
The aim of the programme is to prepare proposals that, in line with the Government’s Sustainability Roadmap, will increase the supply of skilled labour and promote sustainable growth in Finland. The actions will be prepared jointly by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Finnish higher education institutes.
The preparatory work is divided under four categories, which are
- reform of the educational responsibility system,
- increasing the supply of skilled labour,
- increasing education and work-based immigration,
- supporting growth through strong RDI activities.
The first three are separate preparatory working groups of the programme. Supporting growth through strong RDI activities will be implemented in the structures of the Roadmap for RDI. Higher education institutions will participate in updating the Roadmap for RDI. The Research and Innovation Council will steer the update, the contents of which will be decided by the Ministerial working group on competence, education, culture, and innovation.
The Sustainable Growth Programme for Higher Education in Finland seeks solutions through which higher education and research can contribute to the strengthening of the Finnish public economy and fuel sustainable growth.
Starting points
In its mid-term policy review, Prime Minister Marin’s Government decided on significant measures to boost employment and the economy, and to promote citizens’ wellbeing in Finland after the coronavirus pandemic. The measures have been adapted to the General government fiscal plan for 2022–2025, which the Government outlined in its mid-term review. The measures are based on the policies and objectives already decided, or under preparation, in the Vision for Higher Education and Research, the Education Policy Report, the Reform of Continuous learning, the Roadmap for Education and Work-based Immigration, and the Integration Report. According to the Government’s decision, the more detailed implementation of the actions concerning higher education and research will be agreed upon in cooperation with the higher education institutes, and in consultation with stakeholders, by the end of 2021. The actions decided within this programme will lay the foundation for potential new policy measures. The preparatory work is guided by a steering group. An Analysis and Impact Group has also been set up to support the steering group and the preparatory groups.
The programme will provide a framework for preparing actions through which Finnish higher education will support increasing the competence level of the population and continuous learning, while strengthening the public economy. In addition, increasing education and work-based immigration and investing in research, development, and innovation create opportunities for sustainable growth.
The programme began on August 18th 2021, and will continue until the end of the government term. Measures concerning higher education will be agreed upon, in joint preparations with the higher education institutions, by the end of 2021.
Hankkeen asettaminen
Korkeakoulujen kestävän kasvun ohjelman ohjausryhmän ja valmisteluryhmien asettaminen PDF
18.8.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
Hankkeen toteuttaminen
KK kest kasv ohry pöytäkirja 060622 PDF
14.7.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
Tilaus- ja lukuvuosimaksullisen koulutuksen kehittäminen PDF
14.7.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
KK Ohjausryhmä 06062022 Koulutusvastuujärjestelmän uudistaminen PDF
14.7.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
KK kest kasv ohry pöytäkirja 060522 PDF
31.5.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
Katsaus TKI-asioihin, keka-ohry 060522 PDF
31.5.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
KK JO strategian valmistelu 060522 PDF
31.5.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
KK Ohry 3 06052022 Koulutusvastuujärjestelmän uudistaminen PDF
31.5.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
Tilaus- ja lukuvuosimaksullisen koulutuksen kehittäminen 060522 PDF
31.5.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
KK kest kasv ohry pöytäkirja 280322 PDF
30.5.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
KK Ohry 2 2022 valmistelulinjat PDF
30.5.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
Tilannekuva kk kestävän kasvun ohjausryhmä 28032022 PDF
30.5.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
KK JO strategia Kestävän kasvun ohjelman ohry 28.3.2022 PDF
30.5.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
KK kest kasv ohry pöytäkirja 140222 PDF
4.3.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
4.3.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
Korkeakoulujen kestävän kasvun ohjelman linjaukset PDF
11.2.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
tilannekatsaus_osaavan työvoiman saatavuus PDF
21.12.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
Koulutusvastuujärjestelmän uudistaminen -valmisteluryhmä 01112021 PDF
21.12.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
KV-alaryhmästä ohjausryhmälle PDF
21.12.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
KK kest kasv ohry pöytäkirja 011121 PDF
21.12.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
KK kest kasv ohry pöytäkirja 251121 PDF
21.12.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
KK kest kasv ohry pöytäkirja 131221 PDF
21.12.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
Analyysiryhma_taustaa koulutuslaajennus pohdintaan PDF
21.12.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
KK kest kasv ohry pöytäkirja 081021 PDF
22.10.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
Koulutusvastuujärjestelmän uudistaminen valmisteluryhmän näkemyksiä 04102021 PDF
22.10.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
valmisteluryhmä osaavan työvoiman tarjonta_ohry081021 PDF
22.10.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
Valmisteluryhmä Koulutusperusteisen maahanmuuton lisääminen_ohry 081021 PDF
22.10.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
22.10.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
KK kest kasv ohry pöytäkirja 090921 PDF
30.9.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
Liite 1 Ohjausryhmä 090921 kokous diaesitys PDF
30.9.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
Liite 2 Ohjausryhmän toimeksiannot valmisteluryhmille PDF
30.9.2021 Ministry of Education and Culture
Päätös jatkoajasta, hankemuutoksesta tai hankekokoonpanon muuttamisesta
Jäsenmuutokset ohjausryhmään PDF
3.3.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
Korkeakoulujen kestävän kasvun ohjelman ohjausryhmän jäsenyys MSG
3.3.2022 Ministry of Education and Culture
Other documents and memorandums
Korkeakoulujen kestävän kasvun ohjausryhmän kokouksen 17.3.2023 pöytäkirja PDF
22.3.2023 Lilli Kantti
Korkeakoulujen kestävän kasvun ohjelman ohjausryhmän kokouksen pöytäkirja 2.11.2022 PDF
Korkeakoulujen kestävän kasvun ohjelman ohjausryhmän pöytäkirja 25.8.2022 PDF
Role, Term
Innola, Maija
Ministry of Education and Culture
Role: Project contact person
18.8.2021 –
Kettunen, Pauli
Hallinnollinen avustaja
Ministry of Education and Culture
Role: Project contact person
18.8.2021 –
Palonen, Maarit
Ministry of Education and Culture
Role: Project contact person
18.8.2021 –
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Korkeakoulujen kestävän kasvun ohjelmalta ehdotuksia Suomen talouden vahvistamiseksi
Korkeakoulujen kestävän kasvun ohjelma pohtii ratkaisuja tulevaisuuden haasteisiin
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