Group for Responsible International Cooperation in Higher Education and Research

OKM061:00/2024 Body

The benefits of international cooperation are significant, but at the same time the cooperation may involve threats and risks. In responsible international cooperation, the risks and benefits are in balance. MoEC has appointed a working group on Responsible International Cooperation. The task of the group is to create a shared situational picture of threats and opportunities to higher education and research. The group includes representatives from both Rectors' Councils and the Ministry.

Basic information In progress

Project number OKM061:00/2024

Case numbers VN/8549/2024

Set by Ministry of Education and Culture

Term/schedule 15.4.2024 – 31.12.2024

Date of appointment 8.4.2024

Type of body Management group

Relation to the Government Programme


Luku 5 Osaava Suomi

Alaluku 5.3 Korkea osaaminen ja sivistys tulevaisuuden perustana

Goals and results

The group reports on its work and prepares recommendations for further actions by the end of 2024.


The benefits of international cooperation are significant, but at the same time the cooperation may involve threats and risks. In responsible international cooperation, the risks and benefits are in balance. MoEC has appointed a working group on Responsible International Cooperation. The task of the group is to create a shared situational picture of threats and opportunities to higher education and research. The group includes representatives from both Rectors' Councils and the Ministry.

Starting points

The meaning of internationalization has changed: The benefits of international cooperation are significant, but at the same time, cooperation can involve risks. In responsible international cooperation, risks and benefits are balanced. It is important for the higher education and research sector to collaboratively consider a balanced approach to promoting responsible international cooperation.

Check also the Council’s recommendations on research security 5/2024.

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