Transparency register

Transparency register

OM033:00/2019 Statute drafting

In accordance with the Government Programme of Prime Minister Sanna Marin, an act on a transparency register will be enacted in Finland on the basis of parliamentary preparation and in consultation with civil society. The purpose of the act is to improve the transparency of decision-making and, by doing this, to prevent undue influence and reinforce public confidence.

Project status

Basic information In progress

Project number OM033:00/2019

Case numbers VN/4118/2019

Set by Ministry of Justice

Task class Preparation of a government proposal

Term/schedule 12.3.2020 – 23.3.2023

Date of appointment 12.3.2020

Relation to the Government Programme


Strategiset kokonaisuudet Safe and secure Finland built on the rule of law

Strategiset kokonaisuudet Strengthening the rule of law

Action Introducing legislation on a transparency register

Law drafting

HE avoimuusrekisterilaiksi
  • 1

    Under preparation

    Added to session on 13.1.2022
  • 2

    Estimated week of presentation

    Original estimated week of presentation 16/2022
    Estimated new week of presentation 24/2022
  • 3

    Submitted to Parliament

  • 4

    Current stage: Statute adopted

Parliamentary reply EV 304/2022

Esityksessä ehdotetaan säädettäväksi avoimuusrekisterilaki. Rekisterin tavoitteena on päätöksenteon läpinäkyvyyden parantaminen, epäasiallisen vaikuttamisen torjunta sekä kansalaisten luottamuksen vahvistaminen. Avoimuusrekisterin perustaminen on yksi pääministeri Sanna Marinin hallitusohjelman toimenpiteistä demokratian ja oikeusvaltion kehittämiseksi. Avoimuusrekisterilaissa säädettäisiin rekisteröintivelvollisuus oikeushenkilöiden ja yksityisten elinkeinonharjoittajien harjoittamasta vaikuttamistoiminnasta ja siihen liittyvästä ammattimaisesta neuvonnasta. Rekisterinpitäjänä toimisi Valtiontalouden tarkastusvirasto.

Minister in chargeMinister of Justice Henriksson

Legislative plan for spring session 2022

Contact person
Sami Demirbas, Erityisasiantuntija
tel. +358 295150233
[email protected]

Contact person
Heini Huotarinen, Neuvotteleva virkamies
tel. +358 295 150 127
[email protected]

Contact person
Anna Pohjalainen, EU-asiantuntija
tel. +358 295 150 194
[email protected]

Goals and results

The task of the parliamentary steering group and the working group operating under its authority is to draw up a proposal for an act on a statutory transparency register (lobbyist register) to be established in Finland. The act will impose a registration obligation on organisations and individuals engaged in lobbying activities.

Civil society actors and interest representatives must be widely consulted during the preparation of the act. The legislative proposals to be submitted must be drafted in the form of a government proposal.

Natural persons’ fundamental rights and freedoms, in particular their right to the protection of personal data, must be taken into account in the preparation of the legislation governing the transparency register.

The legislation must not hinder grassroots civic engagement or prevent Members of Parliament from carrying out their duties as representatives.


In accordance with the Government Programme of Prime Minister Sanna Marin, an act on a transparency register will be enacted in Finland on the basis of parliamentary preparation and in consultation with civil society. The purpose of the act is to improve the transparency of decision-making and, by doing this, to prevent undue influence and reinforce public confidence.

Starting points

The need for regulation on lobbying has been discussed in Finland for decades. The OECD and the Council of Europe have recommended that Finland introduce a transparency register. Researchers and lobbying organisations have also called for the establishment of a register.

In 2018, the Government carried out a broad international comparison of different models for a lobbyist register as part of its analysis, assessment and research activities (Publications of the Government's analysis, assessment and research activities 57/2018). The study examined the existing regulation on lobbyist registers in different countries and in the EU, and assessed how well they would function in the Finnish political system.

The preparation of the transparency register already began at the end of the previous parliamentary term in spring 2019, when Parliament appointed a parliamentary working group to examine the possibilities of establishing such a register. The working group unanimously proposed that an electronic transparency register based on law should be established in Finland during the next parliamentary term. The register would initially concern the central government and at a later stage local and regional government as well. In its memorandum, the working group, which involved not only parliamentary actors but also public officials, researchers and interest representatives, defined the key themes and issues that should be discussed and decided on during the preparations.

Additional information

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