Implementation of the so-called Directive on working conditions and zero-hours contracts

TEM117:00/2020 Statute drafting

Preparation of a report drawn up in the form of a government proposal containing proposals for the legislative amendments required for the implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/1152 (the so-called Directive on working conditions). The Directive aims to advance more secure and predictable terms of employment. Proposal 60/2022, 21.4.2022 includes zero-hour contracts, reply 90/2022 27.6.2022, confirmation (Acts 744-750/2022) 8.7.2022, entry into force 1.8.2022.

Basic information Completed

Project number TEM117:00/2020

Case numbers VN/21883/2020

Set by Ministry of Employment and the Economy

Task class Preparation of a government proposal

Term/schedule 9.11.2020 – 8.7.2022

Date of appointment 5.11.2020

Relation to the Government Programme


Strategiset kokonaisuudet Finland built on trust and labour market equality

Tavoite Stability and trust in the labour market through collective bargaining

Law drafting

HE työehtodirektiivin täytäntöönpanemiseksi ja vaihtelevaa työaikaa noudattavan työntekijän asemaa parantavaksi lainsäädännöksi

Parliamentary reply EV 60/2022

Esityksellä pannaan täytäntöön EU:n työehtodirektiivi. Samalla toteutetaan hallitusohjelmaan liittyvät vaihtelevan työajan sopimuksia koskevat lainsäädäntötoimet.

Minister in chargeMinister of Labour Haatainen

Contact personNico Steiner, Ministry of Employment and the Economy

Additional information

  • Processed by: Advisory Committee on Local Government Finances and Administration

Legislative plan for spring session 2022

Goals and results

The so-called Directive on working conditions aims to improve the position of those in unpredictable employment relationships, in particular, by advancing more secure and predictable terms of employment. The provisions of the Directive concern, among other things, the employer’s obligation to provide information about the employment relationship to the employee, probationary period, prohibition of competitive activity and contracts with variable working hours. In addition, the Directive contains provisions on legal protection of employees.


Preparation of a report drawn up in the form of a government proposal containing proposals for the legislative amendments required for the implementation of Directive (EU) 2019/1152 (the so-called Directive on working conditions). The Directive aims to advance more secure and predictable terms of employment. Proposal 60/2022, 21.4.2022 includes zero-hour contracts, reply 90/2022 27.6.2022, confirmation (Acts 744-750/2022) 8.7.2022, entry into force 1.8.2022.

Starting points

The implementation of the Directive, adopted on 20 June 2019, requires amendments to employment legislation. The implementation period will end on 1 August 2022.

Additional information

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