Strategy on Arctic policy

VNK027:00/2019 Development

The Government will prepare a new strategy on Arctic policy, which will set out Finland's long-term goals in the region and address the associated resource needs. The steering group for the strategy on Arctic policy is responsible for developing the strategy in accordance with the Government programme.

Project status

Basic information In progress

Project number VNK027:00/2019

Case numbers VN/5904/2019

Set by Prime Minister’s Office

Term/schedule 8.1.2020 – 31.12.2030

Date of appointment 16.1.2020

Relation to the Government Programme


Strategiset kokonaisuudet Globally influential Finland

Tavoite Finland will strengthen Arctic cooperation

Action Issuing a government resolution on the Strategy for Arctic Policy

Goals and results

The goal of the project is to draw a new strategy on Arctic policy for Finland.


The Government will prepare a new strategy on Arctic policy, which will set out Finland's long-term goals in the region and address the associated resource needs. The steering group for the strategy on Arctic policy is responsible for developing the strategy in accordance with the Government programme.

Starting points

The importance of the Arctic region has grown as a result of climate change, the increasing level of economic activity, the opening up of new transport connections, and the region's growing geopolitical significance. Finland is preparing a new strategy on Arctic policy that takes into account changes in the Arctic area.

Additional information