Arctic Advisory Board
VNK055:00/2020 Body
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All ministries' projects are available on the Government website
The Arctic Advisory Board brings together key Finnish Arctic actors. The objective of the Advisory Board is to support and strengthen Finland's Arctic policy.
Basic information Completed
Project number VNK055:00/2020
Case numbers VN/4460/2019
Set by Prime Minister’s Office
Term/schedule 3.2.2020 – 31.10.2023
Date of appointment 3.2.2020
Type of body Advisory board
Goals and results
The objective of the Arctic Advisory Board is to support and monitor the implementation of the government's guidelines for strengthening Arctic cooperation. The main task of the Advisory Board is to support the development of a new strategy on Arctic policy as well as the implementation of the strategy.
The Arctic Advisory Board brings together key Finnish Arctic actors. The objective of the Advisory Board is to support and strengthen Finland's Arctic policy.
The Arctic Advisory Board has been appointed for the period from 3.2.2020 to 31.10.2023.
Role, Term
Brander, Nina
Prime Minister’s Office
Role: Project contact person
3.2.2020 – 31.10.2023
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