RYTJ law

Government proposal on legislation for the information system of built environment

YM011:00/2022 Statute drafting

Law on information system for built environment will enable the adoption of the Information system for built environment and its operation.

Project status

Basic information Completed

Project number YM011:00/2022

Case numbers VN/4165/2022

Set by Ministry of the Environment

Task class Preparation of a government proposal

Term/schedule 8.2.2022 – 23.3.2023

Date of appointment 8.3.2022

Relation to the Government Programme


Strategiset kokonaisuudet Carbon neutral Finland that protects biodiversity

Law drafting

HE laeiksi rakennetun ympäristön tietojärjestelmästä ja maankäyttö- ja rakennuslain muuttamisesta

Parliamentary reply EV 310/2022

Hallituksen toimintasuunnitelman (luku 3.1 tavoitteen 1 keino) mukaan luodaan rakennetun ympäristön valtakunnallinen, digitaalinen rekisteri ja tietoalusta. Esityksellä säädettäisiin rakennetun ympäristön tietojärjestelmää koskeva laki.

Minister in chargeMinister of the Environment and Climate Change Ohisalo

Additional information

  • Finance act: Legislative proposal affecting state revenues or commanding appropriations to purposes set out in the law.

  • Processed by: Advisory Committee on Local Government Finances and Administration

Legislative plan for autumn session 2022

Goals and results

Based on the work done by the committee mapping the regulation for information system for built environment as well as on the work done by the RYHTI-project, a law regulating the information system shall be written. This will follow the principal objective 3.1.1 of the Government Program, to create a national digital registry and information system that will support processes and decision making for zoning, planning and building.


Law on information system for built environment will enable the adoption of the Information system for built environment and its operation.

Additional information

Hankkeet - hankkeen ajankohtaisaineistojen listaus - Hankeikkuna is temporarily unavailable.