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Annika Saarikko as Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services in Sipilä's Government

social- och hälsovårdsministerietstatsrådets kommunikationsavdelning
Publication date 10.7.2017 14.55
Press release 341/2017

On Monday 10, July the President of the Republic appointed Annika Saarikko as Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services. On the same occasion the President of the Republic released Juha Rehula from his ministerial duties.

The Government plenary session on 10 July decided on the division of responsibilities and ministerial deputies. Also, the Government decided to submit a declaration of interests to Parliament. State Secretary Jari Partanen was appointed to continue in his duties as state secretary to the Centre Party government group. The government session started with the swearing in of Minister Saarikko.

Inquiries: Paula Lehtomäki, State Secretary, tel. +358 295 160 280, Prime Minister’s Office

Minister Saarikko’s personal details 

Division of responsibilities and ministerial deputies 

Annika Saarikko