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Anna-Kaisa Ikonen appointed as State Secretary to the ministerial group of the National Coalition Party

Government Communications DepartmentMinistry of Finance
Publication date 8.3.2018 13.37 | Published in English on 8.3.2018 at 15.54
Press release 113/2018

In its plenary session on 8 March, the Government appointed Anna-Kaisa Ikonen, Doctor of Social Sciences, as State Secretary to the ministerial group of the National Coalition Party. Ikonen will take up her duties on 10 April 2018.

She will transfer to the Ministry of Finance from her post as Director of Tampere3 Renewal project that aims at the integration of the higher education institutions of Tampere. Ikonen will continue as part-time Professor of Practice at the Faculty of Management in Tampere.

In 2013–2017 Ikonen was the Mayor of the city of Tampere. She has previously served as Deputy Mayor of the city of Tampere responsible for social and health services and as a consultant for public administration. Ikonen has also prior experience of State Secretary's duties. She worked at the Ministry of Finance as State Secretary to the Minister of Public Administration and Local Government in Katainen's Government. She holds the Doctor of Social Sciences degree. Ikonen is the chair of the Tampere City Council and the board of directors of the pensions institution Keva.

As the State Secretary to the ministerial group of the National Coalition Party Ikonen will follow Risto Artjoki, who will be Head of Cabinet of Vice President Jyrki Katainen at the European Commission. 

Inquiries: Anna-Kaisa Ikonen, Professor of Practice, Director of Tampere3 Renewal project, tel. +358 40 800 4362