Government communications to be based on values of reliability, transparency, clarity, open-mindedness and interactivity
The Government of Prime Minister Antti Rinne has adopted a communications strategy. This is something new, as never before has a Finnish government had a specific communications strategy.
The Government adopted the strategy at the start of September, in an evening session. The intention to draft a strategy was set out in the Government Programme.
The Government Communications Strategy lays out the main objectives and values of government communications and presents a joint communications model for communicating progress on the implementation of the Government’s major reforms. The strategy has been drawn up for the entire government term and will be updated as necessary.
The communications strategy was prepared under the direction of the Prime Minister’s Office and in cooperation with the ministries’ communications units and political leadership.The strategy will support the implementation of the Government’s objectives and provide tools for political guidance. The strategy was preceded in 2016 by the Government Communications Guidelines, and these remain in force.
The importance of the Government Communications Strategy is heightened in the current communications environment, where debate often becomes heated and false information gets circulated online, even deliberately.
Values guide communication
The Government has adopted the following values for its communications:
- Reliability
- Transparency
- Clarity
- Open-mindedness
- Interactivity
The Government will communicate in such a way that people can trust they will be given correct and reliable information. Government communications will be open and transparent. Information communicated by the Government will be in good, clear language across all communication channels.
The Government will have to make some difficult decisions, and it will be essential to provide information about these, too, and to discuss them openly and giving reasons. The Government will use a variety of methods and channels for interacting and engaging, taking an open-minded approach.
The Government Communications Strategy sets out a joint communications model for communications on the Government’s major reforms. The implementation and coordination of that model is under the direction of the Government Communications Department.
The Government Communications Strategy can be viewed in HTML format on the website of the Finnish Government.
Communications Strategy as a PDF document
Inquiries: Päivi Anttikoski, Director of Government Communications, tel. +358 40 536 4821