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Lauri Tierala appointed as State Secretary

Government Communications DepartmentMinistry for Foreign AffairsMinistry of Defence
Publication date 6.7.2023 13.14
Press release

In its plenary session on 6 July, the Government appointed Master of Social Sciences Lauri Tierala as State Secretary to Minister of Foreign Affairs Elina Valtonen and Minister of Defence Antti Häkkänen. His term of office will begin on 6 July and continue for the duration of the Ministers' term of office.

At the same government plenary session, State Secretary Tierala gave his declaration of office.

Lauri Tierala is transferring to the post of State Secretary from his position as Programme Director at the European Digital Media Observatory, EDMO. Earlier, he was a partner and senior adviser at Miltton Networks. He has also been responsible for global and European public affairs at the airline Finnair. In addition, Tierala has served as Special Adviser to the Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Minister for European Affairs and Foreign Trade and as a public official at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Finnish Defence Forces.

State Secretaries to the ministers assist the ministers in matters relating to political steering and preparatory work. They also assist and represent the ministers in drafting policy outlines and coordinating interministerial matters, harmonising policy positions, implementing the Government Programme in the minister's administrative branch, and handling EU and international affairs. 

Inquiries: Ritva Järvinen, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 160 366, Prime Minister’s Office