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General meetings of state-owned companies via remote connections

Government Communications Department
Publication date 18.3.2020 14.44 | Published in English on 20.3.2020 at 13.28
Press release 147

General meetings of companies under the ownership steering of the Prime Minister’s Office will be held using remote connections.

This decision concerns wholly state-owned and state majority-owned unlisted companies. The State as an owner recommends that, whenever possible, the same procedure will also be used in other types of companies.

The Prime Minister’s Office takes the threat and the state of emergency caused by the coronavirus extremely seriously. However, it is also important that the general meetings will be held as they have a role in keeping the economy going, which is also vital for society under the present circumstances.

Inquiries: Kimmo Viertola, Director General, [email protected], tel. +358 295 160 026