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Timeline of budget preparation for 2018

Ministry of Finance
Publication date 20.7.2017 15.30 | Published in English on 20.7.2017 at 15.45
News item

The preparation of the Budget for 2018 will begin on 8–9 August with a budget session at the Ministry of Finance. The Government proposal for the 2018 Budget will be published on 19 September.

Preliminary timetable for the preparation of the budget proposal (subject to change):

  • Tuesday 8 August to Wednesday 9 August; Budget session at the Ministry of Finance
  • Thursday 10 August; The budget proposal of the Ministry of Finance will be sent to the ministries and published online at
  • Wednesday 16 August to Thursday 17 August; Budget talks between the Ministry of Finance and other ministries
  • Wednesday 30 August to Thursday 31 August; Government budget session
  • Tuesday 19 September; A debate of the budget proposal will be held at an extraordinary Ministerial Finance Committee meeting and a government plenary session, after which the 2018 Budget will be published online.

Invitations to events for the media will be sent later.


Johanna von Knorring, Ministerial Adviser, tel. +358 295 530232 (out of the office until 1 August)

Mikko Kortelainen, Special Adviser, tel. +358 50 301 8334  (out of the office until 1 August)

[email protected]